FitPick: Gronk Fitness Battle Ropes

Looking for a great full-body workout that’s also low impact?

Maybe something that will both melt fat and give you a pump?

Something that can be used indoors or outside, with the simplicity to match its durability?

Gronk Fitness Battle Ropes might be just what you’re looking for. 

best battle rope for home Battle ropes are known for being able to burn fat faster than most other forms of cardio. On average, you can burn 12-14 calories per minute when using them. The resistance is generated during use by undulating the rope, which varies in weight depending on length. Just 10-15 minutes of interval or continuous work is enough to leave anyone a sweaty mess with tired arms and legs. Bracing the abdominals to steady the body for motion transfer through the arms into the ground allows for a powerful core workout as the force ripples through the user’s static hold. Dynamic movements from either the legs or arms, in unison or alternating, reward the user with live feedback based on rope undulation and increases the user’s explosive power.

G&G’s Gronk Fitness Battle Ropes come in either 30’ or 50’ options and are color coordinated as red and blue respectively. The red 30’ rope weighs 20 pounds, and the blue 50’ rope weighs 30 pounds. Both ropes outclass the competition with heavy-duty nylon sleeves to guard the rope, textured aluminum grips that resist sweat, and metal reinforcing clamps to keep it all tight and together. 

Place the middle point under a 45 pound weight plate. Pull it around the foot of a squat stand or power rack. Wrap it around a fixed bench or table leg. Anchoring can be done easily and anywhere that there is something sturdy. 

With Gronk Fitness Battle Ropes, you can train like the pros with the same high-quality equipment and in the comfort and cleanliness of your own home!

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